After his school education, Daniel Robert Hunziker studied architecture at the ETH Zurich in 1988/89, and in 1992/93 he spent an internship year in New York with the American sculptor Willard Boepple. From 1993 to 1997 he continued his studies with a degree in Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts. In 1997 he received his first of meanwhile about six work scholarships from the city of Zurich, donated by the Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation. From 1994 he took part in group and solo exhibitions in museums and galleries, and from 1997 he also organised solo exhibitions, for example in 1997 in the Helmhaus in Zurich, in 1999 in the Stiftung für Eisenplastik, Sammlung Dr. Hans König, Zollikon, in 2002 in the Aargauer Kunsthaus and in 2004 in the Kunsthaus Glarus.


TWINE 17/III (2017)

Spruce, acrylic varnish, smoked oak, glass

98 x 69 cm


Daniel Robert Hunziker


Volkshaus Basel, Brasserie