Party like Gatsby – Cabaret Noir – ABGESAGT

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Dear guests,

as of the current world situation concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, we, unfortunately, have to cancel the postponed date for Party like Gatsby Basel.

Considering the health and safety of our guests, cast and crew, we are extremely heartbroken to announce that we, unfortunately, will not be able to postpone the show to a new, certain date as of right now. It’s simply not possible for us to predict when it will be safe to conduct large events again.
There will be NO EVENT on Friday, 29th of May 2020.

Any unused tickets for this event can be redeemed as vouchers for any future Party like Gatsby events, anywhere in the world. If you wish to keep the full amount of your ticket to use at a future show, you do not need to do anything – simply contact our customer support when you are ready to attend another show.

This is a difficult time for all of us.
We kindly ask you to please consider keeping your ticket for a new date in the future or donating your ticket, instead of refunding it, to support our work in the arts as well as our performers and the future of Party like Gatsby.

For a refund of your ticket, please use this link to request a refund: . Again, we kindly ask you to consider rescheduling or donating your ticket, as this is an extremely difficult time for us as a small and independent show production.

Please note that you will need to request your refund through the form prior to the 1st of June 2020. If you do not do so, your ticket is automatically usable as a voucher, valid until the 1st of January 2022.


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